Fire Risk Assessment

Is your factory, office, shop or restaurant adequately protected against fire? Get expert advice from CENTA.

Our team will assess the risk of fire at your premises, identify potential fire hazards and create awareness of the danger of fire – ensuring a safe environment for staff and equipment. Isn't it worth a little time and money to:
  • Save your business from the devastating consequences of a fire
  • Ensure compliance to the DOL’s Health and Safety Act
CENTA fire risk assessments cover five steps:

Step 1: Identify the fire hazard
For a fire to occur, three elements are required: ignition source, fuel and oxygen. Potential sources of ignition include natural flames (cookers, etc), hot surfaces (lighting, heaters), hot work (welding) friction (conveyor belts), sparks (grinding) and arson. Potential sources of fuel could include solids (textiles, paper, wood, etc), liquids (petrol, thinners, paints, etc) and gases (LPG). CENTA'S fire risk assessment advisor determines and lists the potential sources of ignition and fuels present at your premises.

Step 2: Identify people at risk
If there is a fire the greatest danger is the spread of flames, heat and smoke through the premises. The main risk to people is from smoke and products of combustion. Premises without adequate means of escape may trap people trying to escape a fire, or they may be overcome by heat and smoke before they can evacuate. Our expert will assess the likely speed and growth of a fire, the number of people in an area, fire warning arrangements, fire escape routes.

Step 3: Evaluate the risks
Taking into account measures which may already be in place, our assessor will decide if additional control measures are needed. These could include removing or reducing the risk of ignition, minimizing fuel loads, providing additional escape routes, installing a fire detection and alarm system, staff training and appropriate fire fighting equipment such as additional fire extinguishers, fire suppression or sprinkler systems. Our assessments include an action plan to monitor and review all fire safety arrangements.

Step 4: Recording findings
We document people at risk, the adequacy of existing measures and any additional action necessary to reduce the risk to an acceptable level, define compliance to national acts and standards and provide simple floor plans.

Step 5: Review and revise the risk assessment
Fire risk assessments are ongoing processes that need continuous monitoring and auditing. It is imperative to ensure new and existing control measures are maintained. At the same time changes to premises can bring a new set of hazards.